Introduction to Reporting Segments

While tags allow tracking the behavior of the visitor, Reporting segments give insight into your website visitors. Who’s a first time buyer, who visits on Saturday, does the visitor uses a tablet or pc or other device?

Reporting segments are based on one or more groups of constraints separated by the And, Or, AndNot or OrNot operator. Profiles matching the constraint are included in the Reporting segment. Reporting segment information is stored for each profile and a history is kept.

Reporting segments in this section are calculated once a day.

Note: Up to 50 Reporting segments can be created. If more are required, please contact Marigold.


Reporting segment constraints can be based on the overall profile information or on session information:

The overall profile provides following elements:

  • Webmetrics The overall profile behavior measured on the website, such as frequency, engagement, recency, traffic sources and devices.
  • Tags— All tags defined in the Site environment can be used to define the constraint. Information such as the last value for the tag, the score, last time the tag was clicked etc can be included.
  • Offers — Interaction on any of the offers defined in the Site environment can be used for the constraint, such as number of times of viewing the offer or date of last view, etc.
  • Carts — Information on any of the carts defined in Site can be used, such as information on the number of items in the selected cart, specific products in the cart, if the cart is abandoned, etc
  • Identification— Whether the profile is custom or CRM identified can be tested and used.
  • Quality — Information on being a quality or active profile
  • CRM— This constraint uses external data available in the Site environment when integration with Engage is set up.


The session profile provides following elements for the constraint:

  • Webmetrics— The profile's behavior within the session
  • Tags All tags defined in the universe can be tested. The information is limited to the current session.
  • Webaddress— The URL of the website can be tested for numeric and text parameters and other elements added to the web address.


Related topics:

Create segment

Create constraint

Use constraint editor