Setup in Marigold Engage

Integration between Site and Engage happens on multiple levels:

  • Engage contact data can be used in Site to create audiences for reporting segments and offers.
  • Data from Site can be exported to Engage and stored in a dedicated profile.
  • In addition, Engage journeys can be used as content for offer actions (e.g. a popup). These are called 'targeting journeys'. But you can also create retargeting or follow-up journeys, used in offers to retarget or follow up on non-converted or converted visitors.
  • Identify a Site visitor as a Engage contact by passing on an identifier to Site whenever the visitor clicks the email. In other words, when a link in the email redirects to one of the websites in the universe, the identifier is added with the Site tracker.
  • Engage contacts can be added to an offer audience as a result of a contact interaction.


The following prerequisites need to be fulfilled in order to meet the minimum requirements for an integration between Engage and the Site universe:

On Engage side:

  • An Engage organization named after the Site universe. If these names are not the same the integration will not work.
  • A Service Account that connects Engage with Site. These credentials are required in the Site universe configuration. When setting up a Site service account all endpoints are by default configured and cannot be edited
  • An Audience List from which the data can be used in Site. This list will need to be selected in the Site universe configuration
  • A Site tracker. This adds a parameter to every link in Engage and is automatically set up the moment the connection is made between Site and Engage. No action is required from the user.

On Site side, to create and configure the universe

  • The universe name, corresponding to the organization name in Engage
  • At least one website address

Website requirements


To be able to target/retarget visitors, following steps must be taken :