New features in Selligent Marketing Cloud

January 2022

Content Journeys Data Management Dashboards and Reporting
Cortex Enhancement Other Updates Documentation Corrections


Default Segments in Templates

Previously, when defining a template, you could pre-select and lock the Audience List to prevent marketers from targeting the wrong audience. Now it is also possible to set a default Audience Segment in a template and lock it. This allows you the ability to further refine the Audience for a template and protect against accidental changes. For example, customers who have an Audience List that spans over multiple brands can now create brand-specific Templates without the concern of accidentally sending to the wrong brand.



Read-Only permissions for Journeys

Read-only permissions c an now be set for specific types of journeys. Read-only permissions always express dominance when multiple permissions sets with different access levels are assigned to a group or users.

Setting the Read-Only permission will have various impacts on the interface. For example:

  • If the Read-Only permission has been set for every Journey type, the New button on the Journey overview page and in the fly-out menu is disabled and no new journeys can be created. If Read-Only is set for only certain Journey types, it will still be possible to create new Journeys of types for which the user has access.
  • Read-Only permissions also impact the Journey Editor interface, disabling all options, actions and buttons that allow the user to edit the content or state of the Journey.
  • In Custom Journeys, the components on the Component panel are greyed out and cannot be placed on the canvas, but clicking existing components in the journey will still display their properties in Read-Only mode


Data Management

EMIT fields in Segment builder

In the previous release, the following fields have been added to EMIT metrics. These fields are now also available for use in segmentation.



Fields storing an evolution are using specific operators such as up/down/same/empty.


Dashboards and Reporting

Cross Organization Reporting for Global Organizations

In environments where there are multiple Organizations, there is often a need for a single operational group to have access to the reporting of all of these Organizations. The Admin configuration now allows one Organization to be set as Global.

  • With this setting active, the dashboards displayed for the Global Organization will also include data from all other Organizations.
  • Also, dashboards created for the Global Organization can contain an Organization filter field displaying a drop-down of all Organization names. This allows marketers in the Global Organization to also view reports and dashboards for one specific Organization.

Note: The global concept needs to be activated on request

Dashboard sharing with Other Organizations

When connected to SDS in the Global Organization, dashboards created in SDS can also be shared with other Organizations.


Static Segment Enhancement

Static segments can be created based on the filters defined in the dashboard. Now, the notification center will clearly indicate the processing of the static segment creation. Updates of existing segments will be recorded in the History tab.

Note: Manual and scheduled update of static segments is now available by default in SDS Pro. Previously this needed to be activated on request.


Cortex Enhancement

  • In the Rich Text Editor, when adding a text placeholder element, it is now possible to apply different styling options to the text in the element. Previously, styling was applied to the complete text so that individual text elements had to be created each with its own styling. (Note that when applying a style to a catalog value, the curly brackets of the catalog value need to be selected as well.)
  • A button to remove all styling is available and the preview reflects the impact on the Smart Content.
  • Three template presets are now available to choose from. After selection, the layout and content of these presets can be adapted. This will speed up the creation and design process of Smart Content blocks.

Other Updates

Login details for a specific user can now be exported from the Admin Configuration. A CSV file is created containing the User Name, Last Login Date and Effective Permissions for the selected user.


A New dedicated service account has been added which permits connections to for data retrieval.

For security reasons, this account only provides access according to the ‘least privilege’ rule.



To better support users of Selligent Data Studio, a new addition has been created with in-depth explanations on widgets used in some of the standard Selligent dashboards as well as elaborate explanations on SDS specific terminology such as aggregation levels. More info can be found here.

Check out the new documents in the Services section of the Technical Documents topic. These now also include:

  • Content Building – a document exploring different content design approaches for re-usable content.
  • Stored Procedures – a document providing some guidelines and recommended practices when writing stored procedures.
  • A comparison of most used functions for Campaign and SMC, aimed towards customers in a hybrid environment or moving from Campaign to SMC.
  • Instructions on how to generate a HAR file (HTTP Archive Format) to ease troubleshooting issues.
  • A document explaining how to access the Selligent Support Portal and submit tickets to the Service Desk.


Two new feature videos have been added as well:

  • Send-time Optimization - Discover how send-time optimization works to maximize open rates from contacts.
  • Folder Management - Learn how to apply access rights to folders and subfolders to manage access to assets.




  • The Admin API no longer crashes when deleting non-existing Smart Content
  • Smart Content will no longer give errors when no option is selected on the catalog form.
  • The Smart Audiences number input field now sets a minimum and maximum value.
  • Data export of 'Comparison of Multiple Journeys' contains data again in SDS
  • MaxReceivedMessageSize is extended for transactional send API requests.
  • Service Accounts of type Site are working again.
  • All objects mapping handles from automapper with explicit mapping.
  • Reporting agent BIGINT is taking into account the order by again.
  • Fallback is taken to the translation dictionary again for users without a language on a page.
  • Fallback is taken to the translation dictionary again for users without a language on a page.
  • CRM fields are able to link again with option lists to an extended profile.
  • The Abandoned Cart event component doesn't show 2 the same events anymore when linking it to a split component.
  • Previously you we're able to add a new language to a message from a Single Batch Journey, that has now been disabled.
  • Creating a new folder with the same name as some content in the same parent folder will no longer throw errors.
  • [SC] filtering on name with single quote now returns results in preview again
  • [SMC] Previously you we're able to add a new language to a message from a Single Batch Journey, that has now been disabled.
  • [SMC] Scheduled Custom Event Journey with Random Split now marks event records as completed (stuck in reserved state)
  • When you try to save a JSON value through the API with triggering a Custom Journey which contains an Event Data Component, the JSON value is now correctly seen as type of varbinary instead of ntext
  • Lookup Components now have correct listlinks in the following situation: first lookup does a lookup on a list which is not the journey list or a linked list. The second lookup does a lookup in a list related to the journey list
  • Field matching now works as expected, without restarting the agent
  • Site - The tag Wordcloud now show data again
  • Updating a journey name from the fly-out menu using Validate and Save buttons, now correctly updates the name in the fly-out menu. Previously this change was not reflected in the fly-out
  • [Reporting]Agent no longer duplicates deliveries when more than 100000 rows are synchronized
  • Salesforce connector can sometimes receive an error INVALID_SESSION_ID when the session is too old. A new session is now created in this case
  • SMS can now be sent if user doesn't have a mail address
  • The pipe symbol is now taken into account when used in the search value of an Audience filter
  • Input component no longer correctly translates double quote to cpg, corrupting xml
  • [DuplicateContent] Language validation is no longer case sensitive
  • InActivity session constraint no longer malfunctions in combination with URL constraint
  • journey_count and content_count fields are also supported by deliveries aggregation level
  • Entering a suspicious password at change after login, no longer generates a 500 Error page but returns an error message about the invalid input