New features in SMC
August 9, 2023
Version 5.48


System Users to Generate Access tokens for Facebook Audience Integration

When using the Facebook Audience integration, an access token is required to complete the setup. This access token is obtained in most cases using a proper Facebook account. However, it is now also possible to use a Facebook System user.

A system user is just another way to access the Facebook Business Manager, without a user account.

Through the business setting the client can add a system user (admin or employee) and add assets (the app they created). System users are typically used by developers or businesses to automate certain processes.

A full explanation of how to use System users to generate the access tokens is provided in the online help.


Documentation Updates

The SMC Help is updated for the following features:

  • Data Lookup component - Limitation added about Custom Events not being available for the Lookup Component
  • Facebook Access Token - Details on the different access tokens for authentication, including the support of System accounts.
  • Library files - Details on the "Wellknown" URL and folder have been added.
  • Create Export Tasks - Use of output parameters to personalize export file names.
  • Custom Channel Component - Limitation added on the Custom Channel output not being available for use in a journey.
  • Custom Components - Limitation added on the Custom Channel output not being available for use in a journey.
  • Email Archiving - How Email archiving works.
  • SDS - Use of OR operators permitted in dashboard and Widget filters.
  • Browser compatibility updates
  • API Usage - Limitation on custom headers being added to api calls
  • Sending test messages - Additional information on how to select test audience + testing multiple messages simultaneously with one email address
  • Catalog in Cortex - Cortex import clarifications added



  • Dashboards are now accessible for organizations that do not yet have any groups defined
  • SIM_REPORTING_DOMAINRUNIDMETRICS table now takes into account journey type 'DATADRIVEN'. Previously only RECURRING journey type was taken into account.