Country Specific Content Rendering

Imagine a situation where you have a corporate website in 3 different countries, each website having a specific look and feel. They all do separate marketing actions and have all created a content renderer to load Selligent pages in. But what will happen if you want 1 journey to be active for all the countries?

Anonymous pages and forms

In this case one Selligent journey will generate pages that are displayed by content renderers on different websites visited by anonymous people.

How does it work? A section or link on the website displays Selligent information. This link or section must point to the content renderer page for that website including the id of the Selligent journey. This is the absolute path towards the content renderer page. Afterwards, the Selligent journey takes over.

  1. To accomplish this, in the properties of the Selligent journey the path to the content renderer must be relative instead of absolute:

    If the following URL was used previously: http//
    Then change it now to /YourContentRender.aspx?ID=%s

    Make sure that all of your country specific websites have a content renderer called “YourContentRenderer.aspx” in the root of the website. The name of content renderer page must be the same for all websites.


  2. Next, copy and paste the anonymous ID of a page in the journey behind our country specific content renderer.
    To do so, double click a page in the journey to access the properties. On the 'General' tab in the 'External reference' field  copy the text after the ID:

    ex. ZDWW13dqRbef2%2B7ya71vuUGjc5JAfIDeuMNqZK

  3. The next step is to paste this ID behind your full content renderer path which is used in the link or section of the website pointing to Selligent content:

Known users from emails

Customers will receive an email with a link (sensor) to a Selligent form or page displayed in the content renderer of each country. In this case the user is known.

absolute urls

The way to do this is to use absolute URLs for our sensors in Selligent Assets, with the country specific content renderer URL in it.

The normal syntax of a sensor looks like following


And generates:

What you want to see is something like this: the URL of the content renderer including the id of the sensor.


You can accomplish this by using the following syntax in your sensor:


The function PROBEID will return only the ID for this page/action/user/list/..., you pass this id to our language specific content renderers and you are done.