Article List

Article lists store data used in newsletter articles. The content differs depending on your business. For a publisher who sends a newsletter about news articles, the fields can be TITLE, DESCRIPTION, IMAGE, LINK, while a retailer who displays products in the newsletters, the fields can be PRODUCTNAME, DESCRIPTION, IMAGE, PRICE, etc. These fields are used in an "article container" in a email template, created in the editor.

Following are standard fields:

  • ID  Unique ID of the article used in newsletters
  • Created_DT  Created date
  • Modified_DT  Modified date
  • Taxonomy  The Taxonomy tag attributed to this article.

Technical Note:The table name for an article list starts with ARTICLES_

Standard fields can be completed with custom fields.

NOTE: If no filter is applied  in the Article container and 'Include only selected articles' is not selected, then all articles are loaded for each email for each contact. This will put a great load on the system. If the Article list contains around 5000 articles, generating emails will become troublesome. When 'Include only selected articles' is not selected, you must always define a filter in the Article Container.


Example: Article list '1- Site-Products Retail'

Below are the fields used in an article container in a newsletter template in the editor:

And the end result in the final newsletter:
