List Types

Depending on what the list is used for, different types of lists are required. This section describes the different lists used.

User-created Lists

The following types of lists can be created manually by the user. The type of list defines the default fields in the list, and determines how and where the list can be used.

Audience List— This is a basic list of contacts that can be targeted by a journey and used to personalize your communication. Usually one audience list is created per brand, and you should avoid creating many Audience lists. Your contact data will get fragmented. From your audience list, segments (sub selections) can be created to use in different journeys. Activate "email Quality" to automatically handle bounces.

Data List — This list is used to store data that is not directly related to the basic profile data, such as user preferences, loyalty card info, order info, contest and survey answers, etc.

Article List — This list is used to store the articles of newsletters. Articles often consist of text, images, hyperlinks, etc. For these elements, fields are created in the article list and these article fields are used in email templates created in the Editor.

Action List — Used to send out "action emails", sometimes referred to in marketing as "triggered" mails. Each time the contact performs an action (or inaction, such as an abandoned basket or overdue payment), an email response needs to be sent. Action lists are typically used for transactional emails. Check out the video on the differences between transactional and batch emails. You can find an example of transactional email in the Basket Abandon example.

Product List — This list used to store information about "marketing products" used in the Selligent journey with the Product Assign and Product Confirm component. It is not used to store all your company's products (items you sell), but rather your marketing "giveaways": tickets, gadgets, vouchers, etc. With the product assign component you assign a product (record in a product list) to a contact, with the product confirm you can let the contact confirm before assigning.

Taxonomy list — This list is created from within the Configuration section instead of from the Lists entry. The Taxonomy list stores the different tags linked to sensors. The tags identify a contact's click preference (Example: tags are SPORT, TRAVEL, CULTURE). Each time a contact clicks a sensor with a tag, the tag value is stored in a profile extension for the contact. The profile extension is created automatically when it is activated on the audience list.


Automatically Generated Lists

There are also lists that are created automatically:

Form list — This list stores Form (survey) data. The list is created when a data store is created for a survey within the Form tool.

BPM list — This list stores Business Process Management (BPM) contact states, i.e., marketing life cycles. A BPM journey defines the states the contact can be in, and the states are stored in a BPM list. For a global customer life cycle, this can be "welcome, retention, loyalty, etc.". For a specific welcome scenario, there may be different steps: "first touch, first reminder, don't miss out, etc.". One BPM list is created per BPM journey.

Social list — This list stores data from social networks (Facebook, 'X' (formerly Twitter), Google+, etc.) in tables linked to the Audience list, if activated on the Audience list. More information on social integration can be found here.

Extended profile data list — These are lists linked to an Audience list and generated automatically when specific integration options have been set. This is the case for Site, CI and CRM integration.


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