BPM List

A BPM list is created automatically when a BPM journey is created. BPM stands for "Business Process Management", i.e. life cycles. A BPM journey defines the states the contact can be in. The states are stored in a BPM list. For a global customer life cycle this can be "welcome, retention, loyalty, etc.". For a specific welcome scenario, this might be the different steps: "first touch, first reminder, don't miss out". The BPM list is always linked to an Audience list and contains the state a contact is in.

The BPM journey can also be used in combination with FrontOffice. If a BPM state component is set to an "interactive" state, all contacts that are in that state will be visible in FrontOffice. A FrontOffice agent can manually answer questions about the contact in that specific "interactive" state. A typical example would be a call center, where the FrontOffice agent calls the contact and based on his answers fills out the questions. FrontOffice can also be used without a BPM journey.

Following fields are by default created in the list:

  • ID
  • LISTID: id of the linked Audience list
  • USERID: id of the linked contact record in the Audience list
  • DLISTID: id of the action list that is the source of the BPM record
  • DITEMID: id of the action record in the action list that is source of the BPM record
  • CAMPAIGNID: id of the journey that inserted the record
  • ACTIONID: id of the component in the journey that inserted the record
  • STATEID: id of the BPM State component, used in a BPM journey
  • STATE_DT: date of last state change
  • LASTAGENTID: the last FrontOffice agent who processed the record
  • SCID: id of a FrontOffice "service center". A service center is an entity in FrontOffice which can have "teams" and "agents". If the contact is in queue to be handled by an agent in a service center, this field holds the service center's id.
  • TEAMID: id of the team in which the contact record is queued
  • AGENTID: id of the agent to which the contact record has been assigned. The contact is in queue to be handled by this agent.
  • LOCKAGENTID: currently being processed by this agent
  • LOCK_DT: the date when the record got locked by the LOCKEDAGENTID
  • SC_TAG: the FrontOffice service center tag value that can be used to match the record. Each service center has a service center tag. The value is passed from the BPM journey. So a BPM journey can decide which FrontOffice service should pick up the record. E.g. if the BPM journey passes the value 'EN', the 'English' service center will handle the contact record.
  • TEAM_TAG: the team tag value that can be used to match the record. Each team has a team tag. The value is passed from the BPM journey. Similar to the SC_TAG.
  • AGENT_TAG: the agent tag value that can be used to match the record. Each agent has an agent tag. The value is passed from the BPM journey. Similar to the SC_TAG.
  • REMINDER: Boolean. indicates if the FrontOffice reminder option is enabled or not. In FrontOffice a reminder can be set to handle the contact record in the future.
  • REMINDER_DT: date when the reminder should be handled
  • STATECOUNTER: a counter for the number of times that a state change has been made for the record. Every time the record moves from one state to another the counter is incremented.

Technical note:The table name for a BPM list starts with BPM_CID_[LISTID]. The list name BPMSTATE_[Journey ID]

Because BPM lists are included in the relations, their properties can be accessed via the filter designer.

In the BPM journey "unique users" can be checked or unchecked. This determines the BPM list's relation to the Audience list:

  • 1:1: Checked. The contact is added only once to the BPM process. One record is created for him
  • 1:N: Unchecked. The contact can be added multiple times to the BPM process. E.g. one for each purchase. Multiple records are created for him.

Technical note:
Every BPM list is completed with a second table, storing the complete history of state changes. For every state change, information is stored on the previous and the new state, what agent and what team are responsible for the change and the processing time.

See an example on how to setup a BPM welcome scenario

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