Audience List Properties


The General section contains the name and description of the list.

The 'List tag' field sets a custom tag that can be used by external systems. Any value can be set.

Email quality (only for audience lists)

Email quality determines if your message gets delivered or not. It is very important to take action when quality is poor. Check out the dedicated topic on this subject!

Advanced (only for audience lists)

Taxonomy: this drop down list allows choosing a taxonomy list. If a taxonomy list is selected, a profile extension "Taxonomy data for [AUDIENCE LISTNAME]" will be created, linked 1:1 to the Audience list, with scope "SYS_PROFILE". This profile extension holds the contacts click preferences based on taxonomy tag values, delivery info, mail client preference, and shopping tracker purchase info. See Taxonomy for more information.

Social profile extensions: When Facebook or 'X' (formerly Twitter) is checked, a profile extension is created to store the contact's social data from Facebook or 'X' (formerly Twitter). When Janrain is checked, 7 additional extended profiles are created (Foursquare, Google, Hyves, Linkedin, Paypal, WindowsLive and Yahoo). Janrain is a third-party platform that let contacts login and share through many social networks. Social apps must be configured under "Configuration, Connectors". If configured and the contact gave permission through a social app, his social data is stored in the profile extension(s). See Social integration for more information.

Content renderer url: Normally Selligent's optiextension url (http://DOMAINNAME/optiext/optiextension.dll?ID=) is used to render all journey links. If set, all journeys (based on this list) use the defined url instead the optiextension url. This works the same as a content renderer on a journey, but also applies to links in emails.To get more information about content renderer, click here.

Disable this list for Backoffice processing:If a list is disabled for back office processing, no mails are sent to contacts in this list. The list won’t be usable in journey process.

The option ‘This list cannot be used without segment selection’ enforces the use of segments on an Audience list component in a journey. When checked, the list will be marked with a special flag in Reporting.

Check the option "Disable reporting” if no reporting is required on this list.

Language (only for audience lists)

Language: Use this option to set a fixed language for all contacts in this list, or select the field in the Audience list that contains the language. This field is used to select the correct language:

  • for pages and emails (Language setting in the properties of a page or email in the editor)
  • to show/hide page and email sections (Language setting in the properties of a section in the editor
  • for translations of labels
  • for option list translations (e.g. ~$GENDER~ in the editor)

If the language is set correctly on the list, there is no need to  set a  language on each page/mail manually.

It is possible to define a constraint for this setting. Make sure to add a constraint so contacts with an invalid/unsupported language also are assigned a default message language.  For example when only EN, FR, NL and DE are defined as message languages, use this constraint: IF(LANG IN ('EN','FR','NL','DE'),LANG,'EN'). All other values will default to 'EN'.

Group rights

This section allows managing access rights to the list. The groups listed are defined in the Selligent Campaign configuration section.

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