Product List

Product list can be used to store marketing "giveaways": tickets, gadgets, vouchers, etc. A 'product' is linked to a contact in a journey. With the product assign component you assign a product (record in a product list) to a contact, with the product confirm you can let the contact confirm before assigning. Products can be added under "lists", but also in the journey.

Standard fields:

  • ID — Unique key of the record
  • Created_DT — Date when first created
  • Modified_D — Date last modified
  • Available_DT — Date when the product has been made available again. This occurs when the product was reserved with the product assign component but not confirmed by the contact. After a click from the contact the product confirm component can be used to let the contact accept or decline the product. He has to accept within a certain time frame, if not, the product is made available again.
  • Reserved_DT — Date when the product was assigned to a contact .A confirmation is required from the contact. The product confirm component can be used to let the contact accept or decline the product.
  • Lock-DT — Date when the product was assigned, linked.
  • Lock_token — Token generated by the system and used to link the product.
  • Item_Type — Description of the product
  • CampaignID — ID of the journey in which the product component is used
  • ActionID — ID of the component in the journey
  • ListID — ID of the audience list fromthe linked contact. Multiple audience lists can be used with the same product list (although not recommended)
  • UserID — ID of the linked contact
  • ITEM_TYPE — This is the only field describing the product. You can add additional fields for the product like NAME, DESCRIPTION, etc. These fields will be visible in the journey when adding new products.

Technical note :The table name for a product list starts with PRODUCTS_

The contact has to click before a product is assigned and visible on a journey page or instant email using the scope "PRODUCT_ITEM", ~PRODUCT_ITEM.NAME~ for instance. You cannot pre-assign the product in the product list, e.g. for voucher codes, and then send an email with ~PRODUCT_ITEM.NAME~. For this setup, use a data list with assigned voucher codes, link it as a profile extension (1:1) and use the profile extension scope in the email. See data list and relations for more info.

In the journey a sub selection from the product list can be taken, and products can be used gradually in time. The next available product from the selection will always be assigned.

See an example on how to setup a product list and a product journey
