Form List

An Form list for a survey is created from within the Form tool.

The list contains a series of standard fields completed with one or two fields per question. The table structure of the Form list is updated every time a new question is added to the survey. The list and fields are created when clicking "update data store" in the Form tool. (check out the Form topics).

The Form list can be related to the Audience list:

  • 1:1: when only one survey participation is allowed per contact
  • 1:n: when multiple survey participations are allowed per contact

Technical note: The table name of Form lists starts with "SURVEY_" followed by a unique number for the survey, e.g. SURVEY_3.

Following fields are created by default:

  • ID
  • LISTID: ID of the Audience list to which the form is linked
  • USERID: ID of the contact in the Audience for who questions are stored
  • CAMPAIGNID: ID of the journey in which the form is used
  • ACTIONID: ID of the Form component in the journey
  • SURVEYID: ID of the form. Matches the number of the Form table, e.g. SURVEY_3
  • PAGEID: The ID of the survey page where the contact left off
  • COMPLETED: Boolean. 1 if the contact completed the survey. This is set when they reach the "finish" page in the Form tool.

For each questions  a custom field is added to the Form list. The data in the field contains the answer to the question. If the question contains a "user defined" answer, an additional field is added holding the answer. E.g. two radio buttons with fixed answers and the third is an open answer filled in by the contact.


a matrix component with name Q001_FEEDBACK with 4 questions and 4 possible answers:

The field Q001_FEEDBACK is created in the Form list:

The answers are stored in the field and are separated by | when multiple answers are possible.

 1_2|2_2|3_2|4_1: option 2 has been selected for question1; option 2 has been selected for question 2, etc..

