AB Component

The AB Component can send out a maximum of seven different versions of a message to the selected contacts. For example, test different subject lines or call-to-action buttons in different versions of an email to evaluate which one gets the best response from your contacts.

Note: It is not possible to mix email or mobile messages in one test.
AB testing is not available for SMS.

The message with the best response is used to target the remaining contacts. The best response can be based on the view rate, the click through rate, the revenue (Webtracker) or the order count (Webtracker). The length of the AB test period determines when the best version of the email will be sent.

Typically the AB Component is located just after an Audience List Component and before the Message Components.

Note: AB Components can't be used in combination with Control Group Components. If you try to do so, an error is shown in the pane at the bottom after journey validation.


The AB Component generates a single event per version of email that has to be sent. Each event points to a different version of the email.


Name — Set the name for the AB Component. This will be visible on the Design canvas.

Define how the best version is evaluated. Following options are available:

  • Views — The email, mobile message most viewed.
  • Clicks — The email most clicked.
  • Revenue — Linked to webtracking and selects the email generating the highest revenue.
  • Number of orders — Linked to webtracking and selects the email generating the highest number of orders.

Note on Webtrack:
When a contact clicks in a Marigold Engage email and continues to your website, you can send data back to Marigold Engage from that website. By using Webtrack you can measure the conversion from your email to your website. You can evaluate if the email resulted in a purchase, or measure 'revenue' or 'order count' through Webtrack's shopping tracker. See Webtrack for more information.

Define when the test will be evaluated. The elapsed time can be expressed in minutes, days, months years.

Next, define the Test audience. This is a percentage of the journey audience. The size of the test group depends on the number of messages sent.

Example: A test audience of 10 % and 2 messages result in 2 test groups of 5% each.


Note: The AB Component is intended to be used with Single Batch Journeys, not with Recurring Batch Journeys. With Recurring Batch, the winner can't be tested easily since numbers continue to increase, hence the difficulty.
For Recurring Batch, the Random Split Component can be used.