
Each email has a mandatory unsubscribe link. We will create an opt-out journey to unsubscribe the contact.

We have different email types that our contacts can subscribe to:

  • Standard newsletter
  • News flashes
  • Yearly recurring promotional emails
  • Ad hoc promotional emails

To begin with, the opt-out journey will unsubscribe the contact for a specific type of email: only the yearly promotional emails.

Later we will adapt this opt-out journey so it can be used for all email types. We will use Dynamic sections per email type on the optout page, to avoid creating multiple opt-out journeys (one for each email type). The contact will only see one specific email type section (standard, news flash, yearly or ad hoc promo) on the opt-out page, depending on which type of email they clicked the unsubscribe link. But we will have one general opt-out journey for all email types.

We will end the exercise with an opt-out form where the contact can decide which type of emails they would like to receive. They can check or uncheck each email type or uncheck everything.

We will adapt the unsubscribe link of the "Spring sales" yearly promotional email, a basic email from another exercise.

Preparation: the optin fields

The test audience list has four opt-in fields determining the opt-in and opt-out for each email type:

  • OPTIN_NEWSLETTER for the standard newsletter
  • OPTIN_NEWSFLASH for the news flash
  • OPTIN_PROMO_YEARLY for the yearly recurring promotional emails
  • OPTIN_PROMO_ADHOC for sporadic promotional emails

If one of the fields holds a value '1', the contact is subscribed for that specific email type. We can create Dynamic segments on the Audience list for each email type and use these segments to determine the audience in the journeys. A journey with a yearly promotional email would use the "Yearly promo" segment.

If you don't have these fields in your test audience list, create them now.

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