
The Languages display a list of all languages usable in Selligent Campaign. Languages are used throughout Selligent:

  • when creating an email, all languages defined in the configuration are available for selection in the properties of the message.
  • content sections in messages
  • labels
  • Forms use languages as well and even components in the form can be based on language. Example: universal content
  • form styles
  • when using Option Lists, all values in such a list can be translated in the different languages defined for the environment
  • ...

The Language toolbar provides following functionality:

  • Add language: creates a new language
  • Delete language: deletes the selected language
  • Properties: provides access to the properties of the language


Adding a new language

Adding a new language displays the properties:

1. Define a code and name for the language.

2. Press 'OK'. The new language is now available for use.


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