
Design emails, web pages, and forms in Selligent Campaign’s full WYSIWYG + Source Editor. Drag and drop HTML and form components (tables, images, input fields, etc.) to the WYSIWYG panel where you can further edit the markup. You can also use the Source editor to edit the source code. The source editor has line numbering, collapsing, autocomplete and color coding.

A predefined email header (from-, to-, reply-address, etc.) can be set. Select different sending queues, e.g. a default one for regular emails and a separate one for test emails. For multi-brand or multi-country emails you can use a different email domain depending on the brand or country. E.g. brand 1 sends from info@brand1.com while brand 2 sends the same email from info@brand2.com. Or send the English version of the email from info@companyname.co.uk and the French version from info@companyname.fr.

Easily define subject lines and pre-headers. Create different versions of the subject line and pre-header by setting conditions based on contact profile information.
Add attachments to your emails. These can be files (PDF, etc.), contact cards or appointments.

The Editor can extract text from HTML automatically to create text emails, which saves a lot of work. 

Content Sections allow the user to place multiple sections in a single email that contain varying content. By using constraints, specific content sections can be shown or hidden. Constraints are usually based on the contact's information and can show specific content if the user has a loyalty card or based on gender, city, favorite shops, interests, etc.

You can also import existing HTML file by drag and dropping them in the editor. Both imported and designed messages can be saved as templates from which new messages can be created. This allows you to create new messages faster. 

Messages are organized in a flexible message inventory system that allows structuring work to a maximum. This structure depends entirely on the customer preferences.

Personalization and content sections offer unmatched flexibility to create highly targeted communication with the least effort.

Based on the available contact information stored in the Audience lists, messages are enriched with personalization fields.


Key features

  • Authoring of emails, digital pages and forms.
  • Access to the contact profile and profile extensions in order to personalize messages.
  • Integrate sensors (measurable hyperlinks) in messages for reporting reasons and follow-up
  • Efficiently create personalized content with content Sections.
  • Organize messages in multi-level folders.
  • Real-time Spam check (multiple checks such as domain checks, Spam assassin, etc.)
  • Message preview with Email On Acid
  • Subjectline and preheader previews
  • Image library
  • Create email templates (for use in Express) 



You need to understand some essential concepts to work with the editor. You must in other words have an idea of the logic that is used throughout the application. The following concepts are used:

Content Segments/Sections: Content Sections let you create multiple sections in a single email that have content that varies slightly. By using constraints, specific content sections can be shown or hidden. The constraint usually is based on the contact's information. There are many occasions where this tactic is useful. For instance, when sending a newsletter, you want to supply the information that matches the interest of your audience. For example, if the customer has a loyalty card, you could show specific content. Or you can send relevant content depending gender, city, favorite shops, and other interests.

Personalization: Personalization starts with an individual approach within the message and based upon information that is available in the contact list. For instance, you can address the recipient - when known - by their first name, address, last purchase date etc. Selligent also allows personalization to pre-fill forms with contact profile information.

Filter/constraints: The target contacts can be refined by adding constraints (additional filters) on the target list. In the editor constraints are used to show or hide content based on the contact's data, in sections, language preferences and other elements (article containers,..)

Coding/functions: All personalization must be enclosed between tildes e.g. ~NAME~. In this case data comes from the Audience list. If data from a profile extension is needed, use the profile extension 'scope' name, e.g. ~LOYALTYCARD.POINTS~ where LOYALTYCARD is the scope name and POINTS a field in the profile extension.  To use posted data that is provided by a form or posted through a link, the @ sign is used. E.g. ~@NAME~ . To show translations the prefix $ is used e.g. ~$GENDER~. For labels a #-sign is used. E.g. ~#LASTNAME~.
When using textual data in constraints or functions, use single quotes and not double quotes (e.g. COUNTRY='BE'). To group constraints use the AND/OR operators in capitals e.g. COUNTRY='BE' OR COUNTRY='nl'

NOTE: quotes created in Word will not work when copied to the message. Only straight quotes are allowed.


Related topics

How do I navigate the interface

What components are available for use in a message?

How to design a message

Creating a template email

How to design a form in a message

Use of sensors

Translating messages

Social integration