Marigold Engage module Introduction

Marigold Engage allows non tech-savvy users to create email messages or templates , SMS, web, and mobile message content and launch marketing journeys without having to be an expert at HTML design. Marigold Engage provides a simple drag-and-drop interface for designing message content and Wizards will help you through the journey creation process. You can easily assemble professional-looking messages using a set of predefined content and layout components that can be dropped onto the design and quickly configured. A library is at hand to store images, files and content blocks that can be used over and over.

With Marigold Engage, you can:

  • Personalize your messages by inserting the contact data, such as their name or latest purchase. Or use Live Content. Personalize the content even more with automatically filled out items in the message.
  • Set constraints using filter criteria on when and how specific Content Blocks are displayed, and re-use them in other parts of the content.
  • Use variables to influence the final look and content depending on the user's choice.
  • Define multiple language versions of the same content.
  • Lock template Content Blocks (such as company logo, or copyright info), to prevent editing when others use the template to design a message.
  • Import already existing HTML, upload any related images, and work straight in the content source code. Marigold Engage, you can easily edit imported HTML, convert HTML tags into Engage-specific tags, and add additional content.
  • Create message from scratch in an HTML Editor
  • Store your material in a library and re-use it different locations.
  • Require approval before content is used


Once you have you message ready you can use this in a journey. With Marigold Engage, you have the possibility to choose from a range of pre-defined journeys as well as create your own journey from scratch. You can use messages in

  • Transactional journeys, executed through the API
  • Single Batch Journeys that send a message only once to the audience selected in the message
  • Recurring Batch Journeys that send a message at regular time intervals, often used for password reminders for instance
  • AB journeys and evaluate the effectiveness of each message for a limited audience before sending the winning version to the entire audience
  • Custom journeys created from scratch by using drag and drop components and events that define the flow of the journey


To be able to target the right audience with the correct data by using a series of lists such as audiences, data lists , device lists, data selections and option lists. These can be used and re-used for the different messages. Dynamic and static segments can help you narrow down the audience. Custom Events lists are a special type of list allowing the marketer to create event-driven journeys.

With Cadence Management, your journeys can be planned in such a way that your audience is protected from an overload of message.


Data in your Marigold Engage environment can now be handled easily as well. With Tasks, data can be imported, exported or edited. With Stored Procedures data manipulation and calculation is available and by using these procedures in tasks this can be done in an automated way.

Moreover, data in external systems, such as a CRM or e-commerce environments, can be synced with Marigold Engage and used for filtering and personalization.

You will also be able to define custom components for your journey that will give you the freedom to perform data manipulations in a custom journey through webservices or stored procedures. Or define custom channels that are not handled through the default channels provided such as Print.

Inbound events give the marketer the possibility to react upon incoming events, such as an SMS message.