What's New


May 23, 2024

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2024. Next upcoming maintenance is:

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
30/05/2024 28/05/2024
13/06/2024 11/06/2024
27/06/2024 25/06/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

The following enhancements have been introduced in Engage release 5.67 and 5.68:

Following material in the learning and help center has been updated as well:

  • The global Marigold Help center landing page has a new look! The Engage landing page will soon follow. Stay tuned!
  • The updated introduction to Engage and The basics of Audience Lists learning video are now available. More updates of videos from the Engage introduction course will follow soon.
  • Many changes were made to the Content chapter documentation, incorporating the new UI changes.

For a detailed explanation of these new features, check out the full release notes for Version 5.67 and 5.68.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out Version 6.68.


April 18, 2024

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2024. Next upcoming maintenance is:

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
25/04/2024 30/04/2024
16/05/2024 14/05/2024
30/05/2024 28/05/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

The following enhancements have been introduced in Engage release 5.65 and 5.66:

On the documentation side, the search functionality has been improved and now supports Quick Search, providing the reader with a quick and dynamic top 5 search result while entering the search criteria.

For a detailed explanation of the new features, check out the full release notes for Version 5.65 and 5.66.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out Version 6.65.


March 20, 2024

Important correction on Release Notes 5.62

The new scheduling options for Recurring Journeys and Scheduled Custom Events did not go live as announced in the Release Notes Version 5.62. This feature will only be available after 5.65.
We apologize for the confusion this may have caused.

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2024. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
28/03/2024 26/03/2024
11/04/2024 09/04/2024
25/04/2024 30/04/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

The following enhancements have been introduced in Engage release 5.63 and 5.64:

On the documentation side, a brand new Integrations Hub has been added providing customers with a quick overview of the available standard integrations. Direct links will take the reader to the user guides for each one of the integrations. This includes the new Social Integration User guide.
In addition, a new user guide has been created for the Meta Audience Integration explaining step by step the setup in Meta and Engage.

For a detailed explanation of the new features, check out the full release notes for Version 5.63 and 5.64.

You can also find an overview of the most important features of the last 5 releases in the Highlights document, together with video material for these features.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out Version 6.64.


February 28, 2024

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2024. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
29/02/2024 27/02/2024
14/03/2024 12/03/2024
28/03/2024 26/03/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

We are happy to announce that the following enhancements have been introduced in Engage release 5.60 and 5.62:

On the documentation side, a brand new Onboarding Resources Hub has been added providing new customers information on the initial steps to get started with Marigold and Engage as well as important leads on where information is made available and in which format.

For a detailed explanation of the new features, check out the full release notes for Version 5.60 and 5.62.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out Version 6.60 and 6.62.


January 10, 2024

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2024. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
11/01/2024 09/01/2024
25/01/2024 30/01/2024
08/02/2024 13/02/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

This is our first release after the festive season, introducing this new year with new features and interesting updates. Here is what you can expect for the 5.59 release:

  • New TO parameter is available for Inbound Event Components, used for incoming SMS.
  • A dedicated Service Account for Loyalty with preset permissions can now be created.
  • Asset labels are activated for all customers and users will see their legacy tags converted into asset labels.
  • The Transactional API now allows status retrieval of the transactional message using the sg_external_id.
  • The Swiss Franc is now supported in the user profile

On the documentation side, an extensive QnA on Yahoo and Gmail requirements has been added to our Resources. Check out the Yahoo and Gmail sender requirements topic for more info.
In addition, the Resources section has been extended with the following guides for:

To support the LiveContent integration, a series of How to videos have been added introducing you to the different types of LiveContent. You can find these in the Learning section.

For a detailed explanation of the new features, check out the full release notes for Version 5.59.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out Version 6.59.


November 30, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
14/12/2023 12/12/2023
28/12/2023 26/12/2023
11/01/2024 09/01/2024

What's New in Marigold Engage

To help our customers to benefit from the full potential of our features, several new User Guides have been added to the online documentation:


November 2, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
09/11/2023 14/11/2023
30/11/2023 28/11/2023
14/12/2023 12/12/2023

What's New in Marigold Engage

In this last release before the end of the year, we are proud to announce the following features:

In addition, the documentation has been updated to include analysis and recommendations for Audience List optouts in transactional journeys.

Please check out our individual release notes for this version (5.54).

Make sure to also have a look at our highlights for this month and some interesting videos presenting our new features.


October 18, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
26/10/2023 24/10/2023
09/11/2023 14/11/2023
30/11/2023 28/11/2023

What's New in Marigold Engage

In this release, we proudly introduce our new Marigold AI Content Assistant feature, that give marketers the ability to speed up the creation of new marketing content by suggesting AI generated content for emails, SMS, mobile messages and pages.

Other changes in this release include:

Please check out our individual release notes (5.53).

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out 6.53.


October 5, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
12/10/2023 10/10/2023
26/10/2023 24/10/2023
09/11/2023 14/11/2023

What's New in Marigold Engage

In this release, you can expect the following changes:

  • MMS is now available as a native component in Engage journeys. MMS content is created from the Content chapter.
  • Liveclicker integration has been extended with additional capabilities.
  • A notification badge is now also configurable for iOS mobile messages.
  • Limitations have been removed on static segment creations from dashboards.
  • Twitter is rebranded to 'X'.

Please check out our individual release notes (5.52).

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out 6.52.


September 19, 2023

Important update

We are renaming our products from Selligent Marketing Cloud, Selligent Experiences, Selligent Site, Selligent Cortex, Selligent Data Studio to Marigold Engage, Marigold Grow, and Marigold Site, Marigold Recommendations, Marigold Data Studio respectively. All of our content is being transitioned to reflect these changes.

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
28/09/2023 26/09/2023
12/10/2023 10/10/2023
26/10/2023 24/10/2023

What's New in Marigold Engage

Over the summer, our teams have made a lot of changes to the look and feel of the solutions, the product name changes as well as the implementations of new features. Here is what is being released:

Please check out our individual release notes (5.49, 5.50 and 5.51), the highlights for this quarter and some interesting videos presenting our new features.

What's New in Campaign

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out 6.49.


August 9, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
31/08/2023 29/08/2023
14/09/2023 12/09/2023
28/09/2023 26/09/2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Learn all about Email archiving, new options for Import and Export Tasks, new 2FA capabilities as well as enhancements for SDS dashboard filters. More details on these features and other enhancements can be found in the Release notes version 5.46, 5.47 and 5.48.

What's New in Campaign

Important note for Campaign Customers : From October 2023, on-premise Campaign customers and SAAS Campaign customers with a version prior to 6.39 will no longer be able to access the help via the question mark button "?" in the platform. Instead, the publicly available help should be used.
Check out the full message here.

For an overview of the corrections done in Campaign, check out 6.46, 6.47 and 6.48.


June 30, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
13/07/2023 11/07/2023
27/07/2023 25/07/2023
10/08/2023 08/08/2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

For release 5.44 and 5.45, we have implemented multiple corrections as well as tooltips for Custom Channel fields. At the same time, many new projects have been started and are ongoing, so stay tuned to the coming releases for more news.
Check out the Highlights document for an overview of the major features released in this quarter, including a .

More details can be found in the Release notes versions 5.44 and 5.45.


June 1, 2023

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
08/06/2023 13/06/2023
29/06/2023 27/06/2023
13/07/2023 11/07/2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Custom Channels of type Print, Export, Call Center and Onsite Intervention are now supported in Cadence Management! Also, check out the Read-only permissions for Content Blocks, a new Selligent Data Studio dataset and an update on the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored Audience Connector.

More details can be found in the Release notes versions 5.42 and 5.43.


May 4, 2023

Important Update on Selligent FTP service

Moving forward, Selligent will deprecate the Selligent FTP service currently offered, to favor client's use of the Public Cloud Storage, or their own FTP servers.

As a first step in this process, whitelisting will no longer be required on the FTP servers, making them reachable from any IP. This is planned for June 2023.

We will keep you posted on the next steps in due time.

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is now available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
11/05/2023 09/05/2023
25/05/2023 30/05/2023
08/06/2023 13/06/2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Several new features have been introduced in April, including enhancements to the Data Imports, and Data selections.

More details can be found in the Release notes versions 5.40 and 5.41.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.40.


April 2023

Documentation updates

We are very pleased to announce that all online documentation for our full product portfolio is now publicly available under the following URL: https://getstarted.selligent.com/EN/Content/LandingPage.htm.
By making it publicly available, sharing of information with fellow colleagues, partners and customers has been simplified, while at the same time boosting knowledge access across a wider range of readers.

Also, please check out the new landing page, with a direct access to the knowledge base for each individual module, as well to all learning material, the client portal, and many other resources.

Maintenance Overview

An overview of all planned maintenance is now available from the online help; please check out the following topic for an overview for 2023. Next upcoming maintenance is :

US - 01:00 -05:00 CST EU - 00:00 - 04:00 CET+1
13/04/2023 11/04/2023
27/04/2023 25/04/2023
11/05/2023 09/05/2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Several new features have been introduced in March, including enhancements in the Item selector in Repeaters, Social integrations for Snapchat and 'X' (formerly Twitter), Support of the Shopify connector, and integration with Experiences.

More details can be found in the Release notes versions 5.37, 5.38 and 5.39.
An overview of the most important features can be found in the Highlights version 5.35-5.39 document, including a .

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.37 and 6.39.


February 2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Several new features have been introduced in February, including analytics tags for pages, the Asset selector in multiple areas of the application but most importantly the ability to preload items in a repeater.

More details can be found in the Release notes versions 5.35 and 5.36.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.35.


January 2023

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

First of all, we wish all our readers a wonderful 2023, full of new discoveries and lots of interesting reading. Following are a few of the features to start the new year.

  • Quick Start for pages is now also available. It provides the same functionality as for Email Quick Starts.
  • We now also support the Body parameters in the Web Custom Component.

More details can be found in the Highlights 5.32-5.34 document, accompanied with a , as well as in the Release notes 5.32-5.33 and 5.34.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.32-6.33 and 6.34.


December 2022

Highlights of Selligent Marketing Cloud v5.28-5.31

Check out the most recent highlights in the Highlights 5.28-5.31 document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

  • To complete the Quick Start feature released in October, permissions have been implemented. These allow to limit the user's rights from only using Quick Starts to creating and managing them.
  • A Folder selector for content has been introduced, replacing the current flat lists. This speeds up the creation process of journeys and enhances the user experience.

Want to find out more about what else is new? Check out the Release Notes Version 5.28 and 5.29-5.30 and 5.31.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.31.


October 2022

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.28.

Quick Starts

Quick Starts are the new way to fast track the creation of new messages. With their pre-configured layout and content, new messages can be created in no time. Want to find out more about this? Check out the Release Notes Version 5.27.

Highlights of Selligent Marketing Cloud v5.22-5.27

Check out the most recent highlights in the Highlights 5.22-5.27 document, accompanied with a .

Updates in the Online Help

To improve search results and guide our readers in their search for information, we are slowly adding a new concept to the search. Specific search terms or phrases will return an overview of suggested topics, related topics and video material.

In this release, you can also expect a few new additions to the available learning and help material.

  • An extension on the Basic email example, explaining the import of an existing HTML and its personalization in the Wysiwyg editor.
  • A new course on Repeaters, delivered in video format explaining the creation of a Repeater from a Data selection.
  • New topics in Site documentation about testing offers and tracking scripts

More details on this can be found in the Release Notes Version 5.27.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.27.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.26.


September 2022

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.25.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.25.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.24.


August 2022

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.23.

What's New in Site

Corrections done in Site 5.23.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.22.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.22.

What's New in Site

Corrections done in Site 5.22.


July 2022

Highlights of Selligent Marketing Cloud v5.19-5.21

Check out the most recent highlights in the Highlights 5.19-5.21 document, accompanied with a .

Updates in the Online Help

Good help content is important. Finding what you are looking for just as much. Therefore, several important enhancements have been made to the online help :

  • Improved search filters and search tips that allow you to focus only on topics in the tools you are interested in
  • Topic navigation allowing to easily navigate within a topic and have a view on the structure of the topic

You will also notice a fresh new look of the Help, and an updated Release overview page.

More details on this can be found in the Release Notes Version 5.21.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.20.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.20.


June 2022

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Release Notes document version 5.19.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.19.

Selligent Data Explorer Launch

Data is the core of your marketing campaigns. It allows you to personalize your communications, segment your target audience, react upon customer interactions and much more. Being able to view and manage your data is important to planning future journeys.

The Data Explorer is a Selligent tool that will allow you to export profiles, access user and system data, debug certain issues, etc. Only SMC users with specific Data Explorer access permissions will be able to use the feature, as using it requires a solid understanding of SQL query syntax.

More details on this launch can be found in the Highlights Version 5.18 document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.18.

What's New in Site

Check out the improvements and corrections done in Site version 5.18.


May 2022

Single Customer View Now Available!

The Single Customer View provides visibility on a specific contact in an easy-to-read centralized overview including: demographic data, interactions through the different channels, and key metrics. The Single Customer View dashboard is accessible to all SMC users with access to the Dashboards chapter.

More details on this new standard dashboard can be found in the Highlights Version 5.15 document as well as in a dedicated section in the online help in the Dashboards topic : Single Customer View. You can also have a look at the .

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.15.

What's New in Site

Check out the improvements and corrections done in Site version 5.15.


March 2022

New material in the online help

Check out the new example explaining how you can manage double opt-in subscriptions to different types of communications and how this can be managed in the database. More details here.

Selligent Cortex Smart Subject Launch

Optimize your emails with the best subject line for your contact. With Selligent Cortex Smart Subject you have another tool at hand to increase a contact's interaction with your email by presenting them with the best subject line possible, using historical interaction data. This feature is available to Selligent Marketing Cloud and Campaign users.

Find out more about this new feature in this dedicated topic.

For a quick update, watch the following video.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Highlights Version 5.12 document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.12.

What's New in Site

Check out the improvements and corrections done in Site version 5.12.


February 2022

Update on SMC Versioning

Beginning with this release of Selligent Marketing Cloud we will no longer be assigning release names and will instead identify releases solely by their product release version number. This is being done to better align the release documentation and communications with the version numbering specified in the product's internal About dialog.
For example, the January 2022 release was identified by the release name "Athabasca" in documentation, but was identified as Version 5.9 in the product. Site version numbering and documentation will match the Selligent Marketing Cloud release version.
Campaign releases will be using their own version numbering.

Documentation updates

Knowing how the tools work and using them to set up specific use cases are two different things. In an effort to guide users through the most common used scenarios, we have added following end-to-end examples:

  • SMC: Optout journey explaining how to create a journey once and use it for all types of communication. Special attention was given to passing on parameters throughout the journey.
  • Site: A Discovery box Site use case explaining how to persuade website visitors to purchase through online website offers and emails for identified visitors.

More examples to be expected in the upcoming releases. Stay tuned!

Also, look out for a new courses on Content Blocks! The first provides an introduction to the feature with a simple formatted text example, while the second goes deeper into the use of images, tracked links, and the use of SG Tags to define basic variables.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the Highlights Version 5.10 document.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign 6.6.10.

What's New in Site

Check out the improvements and corrections done in Site version 5.10.


January 2022

What's new in the Online Help

To better support users of Selligent Data Studio, a new addition has been created with in-depth explanations on widgets used in some of the standard Selligent dashboards as well as elaborate explanations on SDS specific terminology such as aggregation levels. More info can be found here.

Also, check out the new additions to the Technical Documents section:

  • SMC-Campaign customers can now find a practical comparison document on SMC versus Campaign functions.
  • There is also a new technical document with guidelines and recommended practices when writing stored procedures.
  • Instructions on how to generate a HAR file (HTTP Archive Format) to ease troubleshooting issues.
  • A document explaining how to access the Selligent Support Portal and submit tickets to the Service Desk.

The following video material will be introduced in this release:

  • Feature video on Folder Management — Learn how to apply access rights to folders and subfolders to manage access to assets.
  • Feature video on Send-time Optimization — Discover how send-time optimization works to maximize open rates from contacts.

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the SMC Athabasca Release document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign, in the Campaign Athabasca Release document.

What's New in Site

Corrections done in Site, in the Site Athabasca Release document.


December 2021

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the SMC Zucchini Release document, accompanied with a .

What's new in the Online Help

To improve navigation and visibility of topics, following changes have been made to the structure of the online help:

  • The full Release videos can now also be viewed from the What's New overview page. For every release the full release document as well as the videos are accessible from this page.
  • To regroup all technical documents, the Services Center documentation has been moved to the Technical documentation section. Previously, these documents could be found in a separate Service Center.

The following video material will be introduced in this release:

  • Feature video on User Groups & Permissions: Learn how to create user groups and their associated permission in Admin Config.
  • Use Case video Feedback Survey: Deliver a survey with multiple form field types to contacts that documents their feedback on a product.
  • Course on Email Templates & Journeys: Learn to create email templates and how deploying them in a journey differs from traditional messages.

What's New in Campaign

Corrections done in Campaign, in the Campaign Zucchini Release document.

What's New in Site

Corrections done in Site, in the Site Zucchini Release document.


October 2021

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the SMC Yuzu Release document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Yuzu Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Yuzu Release document.

Building an Abandoned Cart Journey: Use Case

Check out the full use case on abandoned carts in Site with details on how to set up appropriate tagging on your website through JavaScripts, configure Site carts and design an abandoned cart email and journey.

More details in the following topics:
* Creating a Abandoned Cart: use case
* Creating an Abandoned Cart Journey


August 2021

Apple Mail Privacy Protection

Apple's announcement of a new Mail Privacy policy has definitely started a lot of discussions. Wondering what the impact of this will have on your day-to-day marketing campaigns?

Have a look at the following Q&A for more information and recommendations.

Documentation news!

Check out the new Q&A questions developed for the STO and EMIT features as well as for Site.

These provide answers to the most common asked questions and give a better understanding of the finer workings of these features.

Also, related to Site, discover the newest topic with detailed explanations on how to get started with tagging pages on your website for optimized tracking of the visitor’s behavior.

SDS Pro launch!

SDS pro is now available and includes, in addition to the standard SDS features, following advanced features:

  • Customers can create their own datasets using multiple data sources.
  • Possibility to create static segments from a dashboard filter.
  • Creation and use of calculated fields on standard and custom datasets.

More details on this can be found in the Ximenia Release notes and in the dedicated topics. You can also have a look at the .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Ximenia Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Ximenia Release document.


July 2021

Personalization secrets revealed

Personalization is one the most important elements of your communication. We spent some time on expanding this topic in the online help to provide details on how to personalize with not only your demographic data, but also data from Mobile apps, Site carts, Custom Events, dictionaries, etc.

Please check out this topic: Personalization Dialog

New courses, use cases and feature videos

In a continuous effort to provide our readers with the necessary material to understand and use SMC, a series of short videos have been added.

  • 1 use case video for Survey feedback
  • 5 feature videos
  • 1 course on how to use SDS

More details can be found in the SMC Watermelon Release document, and in the .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Watermelon Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Watermelon Release document.


June 2021

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the SMC Vanilla Release document, accompanied with a .

Launch of Selligent Data Studio

Selligent Data Studio (SDS) is the Selligent tool allowing marketers to build their own dashboards based on Selligent data, allowing them to get a better visibility on their data, understand their audiences and help improve marketing strategies.

SDS has an easy to use drag-and-drop interface, where dashboards are built from a series of standard charts.

For more information, please check out the following topic.

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Vanilla Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Vanilla Release document.


May 2021

Easy enrollment for classroom trainings

The Learning section provides an easy and clear way to enroll for client and partner classroom trainings. The links give direct access to the training overview, dates and registration forms.

Check it out here.

Engagement metrics and Interest tags now generally available

EMIT or Engagement Metrics and Interest Tags, is a feature introduced in SMC a few releases ago as a beta feature. Now it is ready to go live for all of our customers.

The feature is behind a feature toggle and activation needs to be requested through your Selligent contact.

For more details on Engagement Metrics and Interest Tags, please consult the corresponding topics in the online help.

Important Mobile Enhancements

Selligent Marketing cloud now supports the use of multiple mobile apps for the same organization or the same Audience list, a much wanted feature. Businesses with multiple mobile apps will now be able to target these different apps when sending out a message and even personalize the message with information from the corresponding Device List.

For more information on this new feature, check out the mobile topics and the SMC Umbu Release document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Umbu Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Umbu Release document.


March 2021

Update on Site Cookies

Google recently announced to phase out third party cookies on chrome browsers by 2022 (no exact date has been announced). So what does this mean for Site users?

Selligent Site only uses third party cookies to track anonymous profiles over different domains or when a visitor deletes the first party cookie from his browser. When third party cookies are no longer available, tracking of anonymous users will only be possible on a single domain. Cross domain tracking for universes with multiple domains will no longer be possible. There is however no impact on tracking of known contacts over multiple domains as identification of a know contact is done in a different way. (Selligent identification and customer identification)

As many of our customers have question regarding this, we have updated the related documentation in an effort to keep everyone up to date. All information is now grouped in 1 topic: Cookies in Site

This topic explains

  • How Site uses cookies
  • an overview of cookies used by Site
  • What is the difference between first party and third party cookies
  • what happens when the visitor deletes first party cookies
  • details on Google's SameSite Cookies
  • details on the impact of the third party cookie on Site tracking

New courses and learning material

In this release, we have new video courses and updates.

  • The Site course Retargeting Abandoned Carts, teaches how to configure an abandoned cart, create a pop-up offer and create the Custom Journey with the associated email retargeting communication in Marketing.
  • For Marketing Cloud users, we have updated the Creating a Transactional Journey course to reflect updates to the Admin Config section of the platform.
  • Finally, Custom Journey Basics is a new course that provides an introduction to the custom journey creation process and interface.

For more information, check out the SMC Tamarillo Release document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Tamarillo Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Tamarillo Release document.


February 2021

SMC images folder relocation

Beginning with the Satsuma-release, new URLs will be generated for all SMC image references. The previously generated URLs will continue to function normally until further notice. We will provide a more detailed plan shortly.

  • Previous image URLs: #client#.slgnt.eu/portal/resourcehandler/#organisation-guid#/resource/#image_name# (Example: https://paranasolution.selligent.com/portal/resourcehandler/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resource/footer1.png)
  • New image URL:
    • SMC Global folder: #client#.slgnt.eu/images/SMC/#image-name# (Example: https://paranasolution.selligent.com/images/smc/footer1.png)
    • SMC Organization subfolder: #client#.slgnt.eu/images/SMC/.org/#organisation-guid#/#image-name# (Example: https://paranasolution.selligent.com/images/smc/.org/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/footer1.png)

STO Enhancements

Customers using STO will experience considerable improvements in this release, both with respect to the user-interface and STO algorithm. Changes in the UI will be visible immediately after the release. The algorithmic enhancements will take place close to the release itself, and will lead to extra STO profiles, more accurate send-hours and fallback times for non-engaged customers.

Note: Clients using the previous STO version, will be gradually upgraded to the new version close to the release date. During the time frame between the SMC release and the STO upgrade, messages will continue to be sent out randomly for consumers without an STO profile. Once the upgrade is complete, a fallback STO time is available and visible from the journey properties related to STO. From then on, consumers with no STO profile will be sent messages at the fallback STO time.

For a detailed overview of these changes, check the SMC Satsuma Release document, accompanied with a .

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Satsuma Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Satsuma Release document.

New Site Course: Visitor Insights

Learn how to leverage the reporting data available about your website’s visitors and their activities. Leveraging Visitor Insights effectively allows you to fine tune your reporting segments and create engagement strategies that increase conversions.

Site : Learning courses

SMC Use Cases

In an effort to provide marketers with relevant and actionable use cases, we have developed the Selligent Marketing Cloud use cases series. These use cases combine video instruction with supplemental documentation allowing marketers to efficiently review and implement Selligent Marketing Cloud solutions for a wide variety of common marketing activities.

SMC : Use cases


January 2021

What's New in Selligent Marketing Cloud

Have a look at the new and updated features, and corrections done in Selligent Marketing Cloud, in the SMC Riberry Release document, accompanied with a .

Feature Videos

The team has been working on several feature videos, explaining specific features and how to use them.

What's New in Campaign

See what's new in Campaign, in the Campaign Riberry Release document.

What's New in Site

See what's new in Site, in the Site Riberry Release document.